Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is Pico Brewing?

So today I got this question directed at me on twitter.

What is the difference between a Nano and pico brewery.

Since reading that question, I've thought a bit about why I chose the term "pico" vs. Nano. The answer is two fold and I'll address them both here!

The non romantic in me thinks that the term pico is catchier, and when you want to attract people to your product, or in my case, the concept of a product, you want someone to ask you, as was done in twitter... "What is a Pico Brewery?" From a search perspective the word Nano is three and one half times more searched than the word pico. There is less competition for business, and search results when using the term Pico. Unfortunately, when you throw the word beer into the mix, those numbers get skewed considerably, but my approach is that I'll take any advantage that I can when it comes to search. I havent done the regional and local area markets analysis of these search terms, but I'll wager that the trends still are somewhat inline for "all time, global" results, as is the 3:1 ratio that I mentioned.

Another answer: From a commercial beer perspective, there are already a good amount of nano breweries, pubs, etc that are active in beer making. The term is catching on in the industry, as well as the home brew community, and has been used in both for some time. Pico has not.... as much at least.

The romantic answer, and the one that I like to pitch first, is that its a scale small enough to be able to respond quicker to feedback, praise, criticism, and provide a more organic experience to your beer consumption. Your beer should change with you, and at the Pico brewing scale, I would be able to keep up and maybe even stay ahead of customer tastes and desires to make what the people want and enjoy. Pico scales makes my brewing more nimble.

So does that answer anything?



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