Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Social Experiment and funding.

It doesnt matter where you go or what you read, everyone says that the social web is the next big thing.

To that effect, Im really trying to get the Kickstarter funding project up and off the ground. Im getting the word out on the Facebook site as well as twitter, and anywhere else where I can think of.

Today I set up Google Adwords for the kickstarter funding site, and already, outside of these efforts, the social aspect is panning out more than paid advertising. Two people may not seem like much, but when they put their own money on the table, it tells me that the future that I see for craft beer is real and present. Especially when the kickstarter project has been up and running mere hours! Im excited and optimistic.


With this passed weekends get together, I had a chance to talk to some people directly, to hear others opinions and thoughts second hand, but the one common element was that everyone sees and seems to believe in the concept and my own personal enthusiasm for the brewery. I had some great discussion about funding, especially the idea of VC funding as applied to a brewery. The wine industry is replete with successful wineries that got of the ground by way of angel investing, which is a great sign for us! I've made the contacts, and am actively working towards meeting the people who (face to face) who are in positions to fund our entire requirement.

The future is looking very bright, and you all are along for the ride. Stay tuned, and lets keep the social movement going!



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